What is a good age for a child to start using apps and technology?


A common concern for parents!

In the past the concern was about watching television; nowadays, parents are faced with the question of what the right age is for their child to start using apps and technology. Parents want their child to gain the maximum benefits technology has to offer, yet they’re naturally concerned about the effect of apps and other types of technology, especially on very young children. So, when’s the right age for children to start using technology, and how does this relate to learning Greek on Ellinopoula.com?

Entertainment vs Education

The answer is, “it depends!” because not all apps and technology serve the same purpose. Not all apps consist of teaching methods designed by education experts like our “Learning Path” (link to blog or other page that discusses Learning Path) which takes children by the hand on a step by step learning process. Nor do all platforms teach through storytelling, like our Short Stories.

Although some studies claim young children benefit just by getting accustomed to technology at a young age and may even improve reflexes by playing games, according to other researchers however, prolonged use of technology and apps purely for entertainment purposes may not be beneficial for children under the age of nine, as that’s the time they’re developing their ability to sustain their attention.

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The benefits of learning young

Ellinopoula.com is not a means to itself; it’s an entertaining, educative vehicle with the specific goal of teaching children the Greek language. Most current research points to age between two and three as the ideal age to start learning a language. Dr. Pascual-Leone of Harvard Medical School carried out a study demonstrating that the younger the (second) language learner, the better they are at “mimicking new sounds and adopting pronunciation”. The benefits of pre-adolescent language learning also include better critical and analytical thinking, creativity, empathy, scores on verbal and non-verbal tests when compared to non-bilingual children, better overall executive functions, and the prevention of mental decline later in life.

Connecting to Greek Culture and the World

Ellinopoula.com is a means to teaching your child Greek, a means for them to embrace their cultural heritage, and reap the benefits of having a bilingual brain mastering the Greek language. gamesQuizzes, games, puzzles, coloring pages and videos expose your child to the Greek language, rendering it increasingly familiar and interesting, until it becomes a part of them.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is crucial when it comes to children and technology. First, parents need to check the technology their children are using, for safety and suitability. At Ellinopoula.com, your child’s safety is our utmost priority. Ellinopoula.com is certified “safe” by Kid Safe . The platform operates in a fully protected environment, free of ads. All content is screened for safety and suitability. Second, parents need to see to it that their children are learning, benefiting, and interacting more with the world around them as a result. A parent could for instance, watch the Vitaminix series or cereals with their child. The parent could pause at the point there is mention of bread, and call it “bread” in English and “ψωμί” in Greek, therefore bringing the platform’s content, the Greek language, to life in the young child’s mind. The child will recall that the bread on the table is not only called “bread”, but it also has another name, and will be curious to hear the word again, thus reinforcing and mastering the Greek word “ψωμί”.

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